Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Breed Zebra Danios

-Zebrafish are one of the easiest egg laying fish that you can pair on your own.Now,what you need is a 2-3 male danios and 1 female danio witch is full with eggs.You can see which one is male and which one is female by the belly,the female ones are much fatter because they are usually filled with eggs,and the male danios are slimmer and longer.Now the size of the breeding tank doesn't need to be huge,at 3-4 centimeters from the bottom put a net that will be wide as the tank,and make sure that the adult danios can't go under the net,because after the eggs fall through the net the adults will try to get down there and eat the eggs.Put a light.The night that you put your breeding danios in the breeding tank feed them with food with high level of proteins.I would suggest the egg yolk!Put smashed egg yolk so they can eat it.Now the next morning after you turn the light on,eventually they will start spawning and lots of eggs will be released and they will fall through the net.If you don't see eggs leave them for another day in the breeding tank,but if there aren't any eggs the next morning again then put them again in the main tank until the female is larger.Now,if there are eggs,carefully remove the adults and the net that you put in the tank.After  1 day you fill be able to see which one of the eggs are fertilazed and which one of them are not(the clear ones are succesfully fertilized ,the cloudy ones are non fertilized).Remove the ones that are non fertilized.Now,after a few days (depends on water  temperature),little tiny danio fry will start climbing on the sides of the tank,and after a few more days the fry will start swimming on their own.And that is the time to start feeding the fry.More information about the feeding on this link ->  .When the  fry is bigger and collored,you can put a filter to clean the water in the tank,also it’s recommended  to place a heater on 24*C. And that is it.If you have any questions  feel  free to comment,I will answer.

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